Dubliner Snack Bites

Childhood obesity has increased dramatically since 1990 and is now a major global public health crisis. In Ireland alone, 1 in 4 children is overweight or obese. We all have a responsibility to help build healthy habits for children, including reducing portion sizes, managing treat foods, increasing activity levels and improving sleep. Our new Dubliner Snack Bites range are a delicious and nutritious bite-size snack, perfect for lunch boxes and on-the-go treats to help build healthy eating habits from a young age. . A nutrient dense snack, containing calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iodine (for cognitive function), vitamin A, B2 and B12 (for immune function) and protein, Dubliner Snack Bites come in 20g servings, 6 to a net, ideal for on-the-go nutritious snacking.
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