Upcoming Events

Our Teams love to get on the road and connect with people from across the Globe, showcasing and discovering the latest in food innovation

ESPEN Congress ’24

Milan 7–10 September 2024

Meet the Carbery Clinical Nutrition Team in Milan at ESPEN Congress 2024 — Booth no. 6

Informed by our expertise in infant and performance nutrition, we have developed new heat stable whey protein ingredients for enteral nutrition products. Optipep RTD 9026 can deliver up to 18% protein in neutral pH Oral Nutrition Supplements (ONS). It is heat stable, rapidly absorbed and easily digested. For more information:

98.8.23 Clinical Nutrition Brochure Cover

Brochure Download

Download our brochure and find out more on the benefits of whey protein for clinical nutrition

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Catch us at an event

Do you see an event above that you would like to meet a member of one of our Teams at? Reach out and organise a meeting or to sample a product — we’d love to hear from you

Carbery Group
Co Cork, Ireland
P47 YW77

E: [email protected]
T: +353 (0)23 8822200

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